Winter's Story

this friend of mine is no longer with us, however i leave this page here as a memorial to her

she helped with many parts of this site, and gathered a majority of the original information on it

Trigger Warning Below (collapsible text)

Triggers: Suicide

The End Of Her Story

read trigger warning above

Winter was a friend of mine who was a member of a system, she struggled, but she was nice, and always wanted to help people, and near the end of her life, she had a server on discord, and she had to leave that server for personal reasons, and she left it to me, and when she came back i told her to take a break, ease into it for a couple weeks and i'd give back owner, she pressed, and i gave owner back after a bit of fighting (over text), but left the server after because we had fought. 13 days later she took her own life, and her boyfriend at the time came on the server and said to me in DMs that part of what made her that upset was the server declining and becoming more and more stressful. (i had re joined the server when i heard)

while we may have last spoken and been on bad terms, i still cared for her, and thought about sending her a DM once or twice, and i certainly wish she were still here.